Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ages and Stages Second Half: Entry 2. **

The perspective where love is earned through correct behavior is wrong and should not be used.  Without love from the parent, the child would not respect his or her parent enough.  It may come to the point where the child begins doing certain things such as fighting or doing drugs to gain the attention of the parent.  The child's parent may have very high expectations for the child such as a high paying job but on the other hand, parents with the perspective of,"In order to behave, you must be loved" may simply want their child to be happy and caring.  Personally, I believe that good behavior comes from being loved.  The child who is loved, through the years will treat other with respect and will do better because when being loved, the child will continue to want more love and they would want a stronger relationship with their parents.  In my family, my parents love my sister and I, this love makes me try harder and want to exceed in activities to earn more love and make my parents proud.  Personally, I believe the statement is true and a parents job is to prepare their child for adulthood so that the child can succeed whether it is a work or personal relationship.  Without this preparation, a child may fall off the path and into the darkness of drugs and alcohol.

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