The "Gender and the Self" paper shocked me in a few ways when originally reading the paper. One of the things that shocked me was that boys are more active than girls, I thought this was incorrect due to the amount of boys that sit at home playing video games outweighs the amount of girls not active. Although I did not agree with that point that was said, I do agree that males value power and achievement such as climbing up the work ladder. Although some women are determined to achieve higher salary jobs, men are usually the type of person to be chosen for the position due to the male's natural competitiveness. Certain psychologic effects may take place within a gender role such as females/males showing anger at the other sex due to that sexes natural talent. An example such as a man being angry for a woman being organized or neat and a woman being angry at a man for using male aggressiveness and cockiness/confidence that men try to display when showing off. This article displays many stereotypes that women and men fall under. Although gender role may effect certain things, gender role does not finalize who we are and what our capabilities as a woman or man are.
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