Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ages and Stages Second Half: Can Practice Create Mastery?

In the Psychology today article, I learned about why practicing alone can create mastery.  It's simple, practice makes perfect and it has always been that way.  Some are gifted with the ability to have a skill mastered when doing that certain activity once, but for all others, practice does make perfect.  It may be with an instrument, a sport, etc,.  "Factors such as: sleep, innate ability, working memory, and the age you begin practicing all play a role in mastery."  This is completely true because without sleep/rest, correct memory of the skill and the age in which an activity is learned is all very important.  Without memory, the skill would have to be memorized every time it is participated.  Rest and memory are the two most important factors (not including participating in the actual activity) because without rest, the body can not recover from all the practice.

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